Status Bar چشمک یک پیغام در پائین صفحه
<!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br> <br><> <br>var yourwords = "YOUR MESSAGE HERE ( SONY CARD 20 ) "; <br>var speed = 300; <br>var control = 1; <br>function flash() <br>{ <br> if (control == 1) <br> { <br> window.status=yourwords; <br> control=0; <br> } <br> else <br> { <br> window.status=""; <br> control=1; <br> } <br> setTimeout("flash()",speed); <br>} <br></> <br><!--Now put this inside your body code.--> <br> <br><html> <br> <br><head> <br><title>New Page 3</title> <br></head> <br> <br><body onLoad="flash()"> <br></body> <br></html> <br> <br>
برگشت خودکار صفحه فعلی به صفحه قبل
<!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br> <br> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <br> < LANGUAGE="Java"> <br><!--//hiding it <br>setTimeout("history.back();", 15000); <br>//end hiding it--> <br> </> <br> <p>asd</p>
دکمه ای برای رفتن به بالای صفحه
<!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br><!-- START OF Watermark Jump to Top Link DHTML --> <br> <br> <br><!-- SUMMARY BRIEF <br> <br> <br> This DHTML will put a small watermark <br> link in the bottom right corner of your page <br> that will stay there even when the page scrolls. <br> This link will always take the user back to <br> the top of the page. <br> <br>--> <br> <br> <br><!-- Put this portion of the inside of your <HEAD> tag --> <br> <br> <br><> <br><!-- <br> <br>// Change this text to the text that you want to be displayed as the link on your page. <br> <br>var displayed="<nobr><font size=2 face=Arial><b>[Top]</b></font></nobr>" <br> <br>// === DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE!!! === // <br> <br>var logolink="java:window.scrollTo(0,0)" <br>var ns4=document.layers <br>var ie4=document.all <br>var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all <br> <br>function regenerate(){ <br>window.reload() <br>} <br>function regenerate2(){ <br>if (ns4) <br>setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",400) <br>} <br> <br>if (ie4||ns6) <br>document.write("<span id="logo" style="position:absolute;top:-300;z-index:100">"+displayed+"</span>") <br> <br>function createtext(){ //function for NS4 <br>staticimage=new Layer(5) <br>staticimage.left=-300 <br>staticimage.document.write("<a href=""+logolink+"">"+displayed+"</a>") <br>staticimage.document.close() <br>staticimage.visibility="show" <br>regenerate2() <br>staticitns() <br>} <br> <br>function staticit(){ //function for IE4/ NS6 <br>var w2=ns6? pageXOffset+w : document.body.scrollLeft+w <br>var h2=ns6? pageYOffset+h : document.body.scrollTop+h <br> <br> <br>} <br> <br>function staticit2(){ //function for NS4 <br>staticimage.left=pageXOffset+window.innerWidth-staticimage.document.width-28 <br> <br>} <br> <br>function inserttext(){ //function for IE4/ NS6 <br>if (ie4) <br>crosslogo=document.all.logo <br>else if (ns6) <br>crosslogo=document.getElementById("logo") <br>crosslogo.innerHTML="<a href=""+logolink+"">"+displayed+"</a>" <br>w=ns6? window.innerWidth-crosslogo.offsetWidth-20 : document.body.clientWidth-crosslogo.offsetWidth-10 <br>h=ns6? window.innerHeight-crosslogo.offsetHeight-15 : document.body.clientHeight-crosslogo.offsetHeight-10 <br> <br> <br>if (ie4) <br>window.onscroll=staticit <br>else if (ns6) <br>startstatic=setInterval("staticit()",100) <br>} <br> <br>if (ie4||ns6){ <br>window.onload=inserttext <br>window.onresize=new Function("window.reload()") <br>} <br>else if (ns4) <br>window.onload=createtext <br> <br>function staticitns(){ //function for NS4 <br>startstatic=setInterval("staticit2()",90) <br>} <br> <br>//--> <br></> <br> <br> <br><!-- END OF Watermark Jump to Top Link DHTML --> <br><!-- END CODE - Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br>
کد دکمه ای در حال حرکت
<!--This is a scrolling alert button. This example is for mail, but if you change <br>the action = to a URL, it will also go to a site. Make sure to reflect the words <br>on your scroll to match where you are taking them--> <br> <br><form name="form2"> <br><input type="submit" name="banner" VALUE=".......Submit......." onClick="alert("Here We go !")"> <br><br> <br></form> <br>< language="Java"> <br>// Modified by CoffeeCup Software <br>var id,pause=0,position=0; <br> <br>function banner() <br>{ <br> // variables declaration <br> var i,k,msg=" Mail Mail MAil Mail MAil"; <br> <br> // increase msg <br> k=(60/msg.length)+1; <br> for(i=0;i<=k;i++) msg+=" "+msg; <br> <br> // show it to the window <br> document.form2.banner.value=msg.substring(position,position+60); <br> <br> // set new position <br> if(position++==msg.length) position=0; <br> <br> // repeat at entered speed <br> id=setTimeout("banner()",150); } <br> <br>// end --> <br>banner(); <br></>
تغییر نمایش چندین بنر یا عکس به همراه لینک آن بنر (تبلیغات)
<!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br>< language="Java"> <br><!-- Hide from old browsers <br>var i = 1; <br>//This is where you load your banners change logo220.Gif to your banner <br>name <br>banner1= new Image(); <br>banner1.src = ""; <br>banner2 = new Image(); <br>banner2.src = ""; <br>banner3 = new Image(); <br>banner3.src = ""; <br>//This where you make your links for the banners banners1 is linked to <br>links[1] <br>links = new Array <br>links[1] = "" links[2] = <br>"" <br>links[3] = "" <br>//This will show up on the status bar when the mouse is moved over the <br>banner <br>deion = new Array <br>deion[1] = "DOMAIN NAD HOSTING BY SONY CARD 20" <br>deion[2] = "BEST SITE ...... Click Here" <br>deion[3] = "Tozihat site" <br>function startTime(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); <br>mins= time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); <br>closeTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs; closeTime+=11; Timer(); <br>} <br>function Timer(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); mins= <br>time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); <br>curTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs if (curTime>=closeTime){ if (i < <br>3){ i++; document.banner.src = ("banner" + i + ".src"); } else{ i = <br>1; document.banner.src = ("banner" + i + ".src"); } startTime(); } <br>else{ window.setTimeout("Timer()",1000)} <br>} <br>function clickLink(){ top = links[i] <br>} <br>function de(){ window.status = deion[i] <br>} <br>// --> <br></> <br></head> <br><body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FF0000" <br>VLINK="#000080" ALINK="#000080" onLoad="startTime();"> <br><h2 align="center">Exchange Banner</h2> <br><a target="_blank" href onClick="clickLink(); return false;" <br>onMouseOver="de(); return true;" <br>onMouseOut="window.status="""> <br><p align="center"> <br><img src="" <br>href="" border="0" name="banner" <br>width="468" height="60"></a><br> <br></p> <br><p align="center"> </p> <br></body> <br></html> <!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br>