تغییر نمایش چندین بنر یا عکس به همراه لینک آن بنر (تبلیغات)
<!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br>< language="Java"> <br><!-- Hide from old browsers <br>var i = 1; <br>//This is where you load your banners change logo220.Gif to your banner <br>name <br>banner1= new Image(); <br>banner1.src = "http://www.sonycard20.com/logo220.gif"; <br>banner2 = new Image(); <br>banner2.src = "http://www.sonycard20.com/anim44.gif"; <br>banner3 = new Image(); <br>banner3.src = "http://sonycard20.com/baneratr.gif"; <br>//This where you make your links for the banners banners1 is linked to <br>links[1] <br>links = new Array <br>links[1] = "http://www.sonycard20.com/domain.htm" links[2] = <br>"http://www.namafilm.com" <br>links[3] = "http://www.isbps.com/" <br>//This will show up on the status bar when the mouse is moved over the <br>banner <br>deion = new Array <br>deion[1] = "DOMAIN NAD HOSTING BY SONY CARD 20" <br>deion[2] = "BEST SITE ...... Click Here" <br>deion[3] = "Tozihat site" <br>function startTime(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); <br>mins= time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); <br>closeTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs; closeTime+=11; Timer(); <br>} <br>function Timer(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); mins= <br>time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); <br>curTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs if (curTime>=closeTime){ if (i < <br>3){ i++; document.banner.src = ("banner" + i + ".src"); } else{ i = <br>1; document.banner.src = ("banner" + i + ".src"); } startTime(); } <br>else{ window.setTimeout("Timer()",1000)} <br>} <br>function clickLink(){ top = links[i] <br>} <br>function de(){ window.status = deion[i] <br>} <br>// --> <br></> <br></head> <br><body BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#FF0000" <br>VLINK="#000080" ALINK="#000080" onLoad="startTime();"> <br><h2 align="center">Exchange Banner</h2> <br><a target="_blank" href onClick="clickLink(); return false;" <br>onMouseOver="de(); return true;" <br>onMouseOut="window.status="""> <br><p align="center"> <br><img src="http://www.sonycard20.com/logo220.gif" <br>href="http://www.sonycard20.com/domain.htm" border="0" name="banner" <br>width="468" height="60"></a><br> <br></p> <br><p align="center"> </p> <br></body> <br></html> <!--Powered java code by WwW.IranGamer.Com--> <br>